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Holiday Face-Off | College Hockey Event</p> <a target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow' href = '/shop/280732'><button class="btn btn-success shop_btn" type="button">Shop</button></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class = 'coupon_main_ad'> <p class = 'text_ad pull-right'>Ads</p> <br/> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9495579255701905"; /* CouponTwo Main Ad 1 */ google_ad_slot = "8302044555"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </div><div class = 'coupon_main_section'><h2 class = 'green_h2'><div class = 'border_width'>Best Coupon Codes & Discounts</div></h2> <div class = 'media coupon_each_box'> <div class = 'media-body'> <a target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow' href = '/out/2879451'><h3 class = 'coupon_each_h3'>$5 DEAL</h3></a> <p class = 'coupon_code_box'><strong>Coupon Code:</strong> <a target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow' class='hint hint--right' title='Click To Activate Coupon' data-hint='Click To Activate Coupon' href = '/out/2879451' code = 'CHANCE' data-clipboard-text = 'CHANCE'>REVEAL COUPON CODE</a></p> <p>The KwikTrip Holiday Face-Off is back in Milwaukee Dec. 28-29 🏒 Use code to get $5 off $20 tickets! 🎟️:</p> <p class = 'small_gray_date'>Posted: 18 December 2023 | Last successfully used: 18 December 2023</p> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class = 'span4'> <div class = 'sidebar'> <div class = 'sidebar'> <div class = 'sidebar_box'> <h3 class = 'orange_box'>Submit Coupons</h3> <input type='text' class='input_coupon share_coupon_code' placeholder='Coupon Code (Required) e.g SAVE30' autocomplete='off' /> <textarea rows = '3' class='input_coupon input_textarea share_coupon_description' placeholder='Coupon Details (Required) e.g description, expiration date and conditions' autocomplete='off'></textarea> <input type='text' class='input_coupon share_coupon_url' placeholder='URL Of Deal e.g' autocomplete='off' /> <input type='hidden' class='share_coupon_site_id' value='280732'> <p class = 'share_red hidden'>Please share more details about the coupon and include a coupon code.</p> <p class = 'share_thanks hidden'>Thank you for sharing. 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